Monique provides individual therapy to address your personal concerns as well as a range of consultancy and professional development services which can be tailored


Monique works with adults who require support with and treatment for a range of psychological difficulties, including anxiety, depression, stress, adjustment and trauma based problems.

Her practice is informed by a combination of approaches drawn from cognitive-behavioural, acceptance and mindfulness based approaches, trauma-informed care, an understanding of contemporary neuroscience and systemic approaches. Monique is also skilled at adapting mainstream therapy approaches to suit the developmental needs of people with a disability. As a result of her interest in people with a disability, Monique also understands the challenges that family carers experience in supporting a loved one with special needs.


Monique’s years of experience working with people with a disability make her a valuable resource to families and care teams supporting people with a disability.

Some people with a disability who present with behaviours of concern may have support needs which necessitate the development of explicit strategies and approaches for the support people in their lives (ie. families, carers, support workers etc.). Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a process of engagement with stakeholders and involves assisting families and/or care teams to problem solve particular scenario’s and/or may lead to the development of formalised therapeutic support strategies and plans. Monique uses PBS principles in her work in the therapy space with many people with a disability. Monique enjoys working with care teams to facilitate a better understanding of the individual and their support needs, enable problem solving and to upskill the workers who undertake this challenging work. Consultancy work can be tailored around individual clients, to facilitate reflective practice for care teams, to provide professional supervision or to target wider organisational imperatives. Please contact Monique to discuss your needs.


Monique regularly provides a number of training programs to organisations upon request. She provides both foundational and intensive training in ‘Positive Behaviour Support’ as well as workshops on ‘Understanding dual diagnoses (disability + mental health problems)’, ‘Working with people with complex mental health care needs and problems of emotional dysregulation’, ‘Disability Awareness’ and ‘Understanding Autism’.

She can also tailor professional development activities for your workplace and offers reflective practice for care teams supporting people with behavioural challenges. Alternatively, you might choose to send individual workers to across-sector professional development on an ‘as needs’ basis. See ‘Training‘ for upcoming workshops.


Fees can vary depending upon whether you are attending an office-based appointment or whether Monique is needing to attend a placement or alternate site to provide consultancy services.

Please call our rooms to discuss your needs and Kerry (our Office Manager) will be able to explain the fee structure that applies to you.

Whilst people are able to self-refer and self-fund psychological appointments, some rebates and/or funding possibilities may apply to you:

If you have Private health Insurance and are covered for Psychology, you may be able to claim a rebate;

If you are referred by a GP or Psychiatrist under the ‘Better Outcomes in Mental Health’ scheme, you may be entitled to claim a Medicare rebate.

Please note: If you are a registered participant with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), you may be able to use your NDIS funding to pay for psychological services. Please note, however, that Monique only sees ‘self-managed’ and ‘plan managed’ participants.