Workshops and professional development for the disability sector.


Monique provides regular workshops on Positive Behaviour Support.

These workshops provide an introduction to the core values underpinning this approach, an understanding about the function of behaviours of concern and a framework for thinking about intervention strategies. In particular, using the PBS framework, Monique teaches participants about the multi-modal approach which includes the use of antecedent based interventions, skill building strategies, contingency management strategies and de-escalation strategies. Monique is also well versed in the current requirements regarding restrictive practices arising from the safeguarding role of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and ensures that participants have up-to-date information regarding the use of restrictive practices.  Suitable for anyone supporting someone with a disability and behaviours of concern. See below for upcoming workshops and registration.

Other professional development activities

Monique can also tailor professional development activities for your workplace and offers reflective practice for care teams supporting people with behavioural challenges. Please contact Monique to discuss your requirements.

Upcoming courses

Currently no courses available. Please register below to keep updated.

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